
About me

Bahraini living and working in London. Gained 2 degrees in London BSc (Hons) Human Resource Management. MBA Small Business Management/Development. Lately activist in Bahrain revolution, nothing much though, just doing my bit which is nothing in comparison to those in Bahrain. Gamer! Yes indeed, some says I am a nerd when it comes to the xbox.

You will find everything in this blog, just rants, nothing serious. Like it or hate it- it doesnt make any difference to me. If you like what you read in this blog, you can follow me on Twitter @hashem911

Or you can just stay in this page and admire my fat cat :-). Her name is Afraa, she year and half now and annoying as hell when she wants to play.. Most of the times, she is doing her thing alone, thats sleeping :-p and then she comes and demands love and attention! Its not optional. Did i mention that she eats anything?