
Wednesday, 30 November 2011

تسييس محرم- رائيي الشخصي

انتشر مصطلح "تسييس الشعائر" مع اطلالة شهر محرم الحرام في البحرين, احب ان اكتب وجه نظري في هذا الموضوع بكل ود. قبل البدء وقبل ان تجرنا عواطفنا للحكم في هذا الموضوع, ومع احترامي للجميع, لابد من الالمام بقضية الامام الحسين (ع) ليتسنى لنا بعدها ان نحسن الحكم ما اذا كان تسييس عاشوراء شي جيد ام لا. فلنأخذ غاندي على سبيل المثال, هل كان غاندي مسلما؟ لا بالطبع ولكنة تعلم عن قضية الحسين الكثير واخذ منها ما يتناسب مع شعبة وثقافتهم, لو ان غاندي نظر لثورة الحسين من جميع النواحي لربما اسلم واعلن تشيعة.

ثورة الحسين تنقسم الى قسمين, ثورة النور وثورة الدم, لن اسهب في شرح الثورتين اردت فقط ان اضرب مثل كيف ان هذة الثورة كانت فريدة من نوعها ما جعل الكثيرين من اتباع الديانات الاخرى الى الاعجاب بها وتعلم شي منها. الشي الثالث والمهم ايضا هو ان الحسين كان رمزا بحد ذاتة, ليس لانة ابن بنت رسول الله فقط بل لانة ضرب فينا اروع الامثال.

عاشوراء الحسين لا يمكن نسيانة ابدا ولا يمكن مسحة من عقل اي شخص, ادخل اي بيت شيعي وابدا بنص لطمية واسمع الاطفال يكلمونها- لا استغرب هذا ابدا فنحن تربينا في مأتم الحسين منذ نعومة اظافرنا. اذا اخذنا الاطفال او حتى الجيل الصاعد الان ذوي ١٥ وال١٦ عام.. عندما يستمعون الى مصيبة الحسين يرون فيها الكثير من التشابة بقضيتهم اليوم (انا لست بصدد مقارنة القضيتين ابدا, فليس هناك وجة مقياس) ولكن بصدد ان استخدمها مثال.

شمر ابن ذي الجوشن وعبيد الله ابن زياد وعمر ابن سعد.. مارسوا الخبث السياسي منذ مئات السنين, الشمر كان يحسد عمر ابن سعد على ولاية الري, وكان يريد ان يتحل مقامة ويصبح هو والي الري و"كان يبحث عن اخطاء وشطحات عمر ابن سعد" ليقدمهم الى ابن زياد كملف.. ولكنة لم يعتبر اجتماعات الحسين وعمر ابن سعد "شطحة من الشطحات", لذلك لم يخبر لابن زياد بهم. وحتى الجواسيس جمدوا انفسهم في ذلك الوقت لانهم كانوا "يرتاحون من اي اجتماع يحدث بين الحسين (ع) وبين ابن سعد" فلربما تنتهي المسألة (ما اذا تصالحوا) بدون حرب وبدون اراقة دماء. هذة القصة تطول وبأستطاعتك ان تستمع لسيد جابر الاغائي هنا لمعرفة تفاصيل هذة القصة.
الا ينطبق هذا على واقعنا الان؟ من يطالبوم بأسقاط النظام يرتاحون الى اي مفاوضات تجري بين الحكومة والمعارضة, بل وحتى ذلك التجمع الغبي "الوحدة الوطنية" يرتاحون لمثل  هذة الظواهر. اذا من هذا المثال (وهناك اكثر من هذة الامثلة حتى على مستوى اعلام بني امية واعلام ال خليفة) نستطيع رؤية الحركة السياسية ان ذاك في ثورة الحسين.

اسأل نفسك, لماذا خرج الحسين؟ خرج الحسين ليستقيم دين محمد (ص) وليقيم العدل.. الان اسأل نفسك, لماذا خرج اهل البحرين؟ خرجوا ليستقيم الحكم والعدل في البلاد. الدعوة المشتركة هي العدل وان لا سيد ولا مسود. اذا هناك علاقة تاريخية بين الثورة والعدل. الحسين (ع) مدرسة من مدارس ال البيت نتعلم منهم الكثير ونتعلم من محرم الكثير ايضا, اذا فكرة كانت الفكرة او الاعتراض, ان التسييس قد يؤدي الى تشتيت فكرنا عن مصاب ابي عبدالله, او ان التسييس قد يطمس الدرس المهم من ملحمة كربلاء فأنا لا اتفق مع هذا ابدا. عدم اتفاقي هو ان الخطيب الحسيني دائما ما يلقي محاضرات في ايام محرم ويربطها بمصاب الحسين, اذا كنت لا تريد ان تشتت الافكار عن  الطف فلا تدير محاضرات. اعرف ان هناك الكثير ممن نلقبهم بـ"الحداثيين" ممن يعارضون حتى فكرة المحاضرات وحتى اللطم ويريدون ان يقتصر محرم فقط على قرأة مصرح الحسين وحسب. الحسين يا اصدقائي اكبر من من مجرد "قصة" تروونها للاجيال, الحسين مدرسة وعبرة نعتبر بها. ارى كثيرا منهم يستخدمون غاندي, مارتن لوثر كنج, جيفارا ونيلسون مانديلا كامثلة لثورة البحرين ولكنهم ينسون ثورة الحسين وانتصار الدم على السيف. عجبي!

اما اذا كانت الحجة بأن الحكومة سوف تقمع اي شعائر بها تسييس فهذا شي اخر,  هناك ايضا شي اخر, ولا يستطيع احد ان يجزم ويضمن لنا انهم لن يفعلوا.. لقد هاجموا مأتما للنساء قبل بضعة ايام فقط, هل لانهم كانوا يناقشون السياسة؟ لا بالطبع. قالوها بني امية للحسين (ع) "انما نحاربك بغضا بأبيك" والان نحن نحارب بغضا في مذهبنا.

اعتقد وفي رأئيي المتواضع انة لابد من الاستفادة من محرم والشعائر لبث روح الصمود والثبات في شبابنا اقتدائنا بسيد الاحرار. ارجع حتى الى عهد الرسول (ص) تجد ان الله سبحانة وتعالى كان ينزل عليهم الايات ليزداد المسلون ثباتا في معاركهم, خذ على سبيل المثال معركة احد.. عندما صاح الشيطان "لقد قتل محمد" تخاذل المسلمون كما يقول الراوي, وهناك الكثير (ربما اجماع حتى) من المفسرين يربطون هذه الحادثة بهذة بالاية الكريمة "وما محمد الا رسول قد خلت من قبلة الرسل افان مات او قتل انقلبتم على اعقابكم ومن ينقلب على عقبية عقبية فلن يضر الله شيئا وسنجزي الشاكرين". حتى ولو افترضنا ان النبي (ص) قد قتل هل هذا يعني ان رسالتة توقفت؟ هل يعني ان مع مقتل امامنا الحسين ابن علي (ع) تتوقف الثورات ضد الظلم والاستبداد؟ لا ابدا هيهات.

اكتفي بهذا القدر واترككم مع انشودة ثورية حسينية رائعة للرادود المتألق جعفر القشعمي بعنوان منصورين والناصر الله

Tuesday, 22 November 2011

[Action Required] Letter to Toyota regarding the inappropriate use of their vehicles

Please go to and send the below letter to them. Don't forget to put your name as well. الرجاء نسخ الرسالة المرفقة للتويوتا ليعلموا كيف ان الشرطة البحرينية تستخدم مركباتهم كأسلحة لقتل الشعب المسالم. كما هو موضح في الصورة من خلال الموقع المرفق اعلاة

Subject: Inappropriate use of vehicles by Bahraini Security Forces

We are writing to bring to your attention the current use of your vehicles as weapons of war by the Bahrain army forces against peaceful protestors.

There are numerous videos and images showing army personnel attempting to, and many times succeeding, running over unarmed civilians. As a matter of fact three days ago a 15 year old teenager was killed using this very method, and videos of the incident have been widely circulated across the web.
We are sure that a well respected company such as yourselves would not wish to be associated with a tyrannical and violent regime such as that of Bahrain. The fact that your vehicles and logo have now become a sign of oppression is a very worrying one for Bahrainis, as we are sure it is to you.

The USA congress has recently stopped an arms deal with Bahrain due to the cruelty and unlawful use of weapons against peaceful protestors. Further to this, in August, Siemens have released a press statement which clearly states that their technology is not sanctioned to be used to oppress individuals and the Bahraini government is violating their trades’ agreement in doing so. 

We believe that it is both in the interest of your position as a well loved company in the Middle East, as well as your duty as humans, to do a similar thing. As there has been no press release or information from Toyota clarifying their position in regards to their products being used in such a way, we have no choice but to believe that you accept and condone the use of your vehicles as weapons against a peaceful nation.



Update: Also please write to Nissan Middle East and Almoyyed! As Nissan headquarters in Japan don't respond to inquiries by e-mail. We want to make sure this letter get to the CEO Carlos Ghosn.

Subject: Inappropriate use of vehicles by Bahraini Security Forces

We are writing to bring to your attention the current use of your vehicles as weapons of war by the Bahrain army forces against peaceful protestors.

There are numerous videos and images showing army personnel attempting to, and many times succeeding, running over unarmed civilians. As a matter of fact three days ago a 15 year old teenager was killed using this very method, and videos of the incident have been widely circulated across the web.

We are sure that a well respected company such as yourselves would not wish to be associated with a tyrannical and violent regime such as that of Bahrain. The fact that your vehicles and logo have now become a sign of oppression is a very worrying one for Bahrainis, as we are sure it is to you.

The USA congress has recently stopped an arms deal with Bahrain due to the cruelty and unlawful use of weapons against peaceful protestors. Further to this, in August, Siemens have released a press statement which clearly states that their technology is not sanctioned to be used to oppress individuals and the Bahraini government is violating their trades’ agreement in doing so. 

We believe that it is both in the interest of your position as a well loved company in the Middle East, as well as your duty as humans, to do a similar thing. As there has been no press release or information from Nissan clarifying their position in regards to their products being used in such a way, we have no choice but to believe that you accept and condone the use of your vehicles as weapons against a peaceful nation.


Update: Below is the sh**y reply from Toyota!

Recently you contacted Toyota. Below is a summary of your contact message and our response.

Thank you for allowing us to be of service to you.

Inappropriate use of vehicles by Bahraini Security Forces
 Discussion Thread
 Response (Anita Mouton)11/23/2011 12:47 PM
Dear Shehab Hashem,

Thank you for contacting Toyota Motor Sales, U.S.A., Inc.

We are sorry, Toyota Motor Sales, U.S.A., Inc. only handles inquiries/concerns pertaining to the United States.

Please contact Toyota Bahrain,, for further assistance as they are in a far better position to assess the situation.

Anita Mouton
Toyota Customer Experience

Saturday, 19 November 2011

16 years old boy killed!

The government of Bahrain backed by Saudi army and mercenaries strikes yet again to kill yet another teenager, only this time it is more horrifying than the first 14 years old killed on Eid day. 

Peaceful protests stormed the streets of Bahrain yesterday, the biggest being in the village of Aali and a second one was in the village of Daih. The Aali rally was left unharmed by the police whereas protesters in Daih have seen all sort of agony, tear gas was fired directly at protesters with the intention to injure them and then arrest them, rubber bullets fired directly at the upper body to leave bruises in order for the police to easily identify the participants of the demonstration later on. Furthermore, they fired tear gas inside house intentionally to cause suffocation within the elder and babies.

This was not everything they done to peaceful protesters, they went further to assaulted women. Defying all customs and tradition of this Muslim country. In a picture that caused rage among Bahrainis was a mercenary riot police officer pulling a woman from her hair while making an arrest as if when they threw women on the streets wasn't enough of a humiliation. 

Mercenaries arresting women, metal rod in hand

The police then issued a statement that a woman has been injured in the head as a result of protesters throwing metal rods. They failed to notice that protesters actually film everything and the police are often caught on tape committing their crimes against humanity. 

 Ministry of Interior Bahraini lady sustained serious head injuries when vandals hurled iron rods is Diah she was referred to hospital
22 hours ago Favorite Retweet Reply

Notice the officer on the right in the above picture is holding a metal rod in his left hand and on this video it shows clearly the mercenaries throwing the metal rods at protesters. Judge for yourself. Direct Link To The Video 

Zahra'a Injured by metal rods, in critical condition
But this isn't everything, elsewhere in Juffair- few hundred meters from the US fifth fleet base, comes the sad news. Police jeeps ran over a 16 years old peaceful protester 5 times, according to eyewitnesses. They left his body dead on the street and made a get away. Parts of his body was literally torn to piece and had to be stitched together when washed before the funeral earlier. 

Its worth mentioning that this is not the first time the police used this technique (run over) to disperse protesters, we have seen police cars charging to harm protestors over and over again. Someone put this video together showing the police running over protesters in different areas of Bahrain over the last 10 months. 

In this link is a photo album of the 16 years old martyr Ali (graphic). Where you can see how brutal the Bahraini regime is. As I am writing this post, I am getting news that his funeral proceedings is being attacked right now. Tear gas and rubber bullets and even more attempts to run mourners over.

Read more on The Washington Post reports on the story. 

Rest in peace Ali.

Tuesday, 25 October 2011

Hey Bahrain.. Is it Arabian Gulf, Persian Gulf or just The Gulf?

Bahrain opposition societies issued a joint statement demanding the legitimate rights for the Bahraini citizens. They called it “Manama Document”. The document demands, elected government, fairer constituencies, scrapping the absolute power exercised by the Prime Minister Khalifa Bin Salman Alkhalifa and ultimately leading to a constitutional monarchy in the tiny Gulf kingdom.
The regime loyalist in Bahrain objected the document, not because the demands were illegitimate, but because the document said The Gulf not The Arabian Gulf. Yes I am serious!

Bahrain Women!

The Arabspring have showed us a different side of the Arab women, they have proven that they are not only family or career oriented, but revolutionaries as well. Participating widely in pro-democracy movements in their countries standing alongside men in the fight for freedom “…defying the stereotype as victims of oppressive patriarchies[1]. Indeed as seen by Manal Alsharif the woman who defied banning women from driving in Saudi. Takaful Karman from Yemen was recently awarded the Nobel Prize for peace; she camped for months outside the university of Sanna calling on the Yemeni president to step down.

Bahraini woman is no different than their peers in Tunisia, Egypt and Yemen. At first there was the young Ayat Al-Qurmozi whose case was a matter of public concern around the world. Ayat however was not the only one, at some stage between Feb and Oct 2011 there were over 300 women detained.

During the rule of Hamad Bin Isa Alkhalifa women were given the right to vote in Bahrain (in 2001), however and during the same era of his ruling (2011), women were arrested, tortured and even raped for participating in pro-democracy demonstrations. Doctors, nurses, teacher, journalists, students and the list go on. Roula Alsaffar (hear here story here) for example was thrown in jail without a trail and was subject to sexual abuse whilst in prison, and when she finally had her trail (along with other 20 medics) in court they were sentenced to 15 years in less than one minute.

Ironically the current king of Bahrain has been labeled once a reformist and woman rights “advocate” but then King Abdulla of Saudi was given this title once and he is still lashing women. “But perhaps the worst part of the ordeal was that the woman was detained at all. In an Arab culture, particularly in the Gulf, detaining a woman is the ultimate humiliation, going back to the days when the way one tribe defeated another was to capture and rape its women”[2]

This is only an indication at how much this regime hates Shia, as Roula Alsaffar said in the above interview “…when you are in jail for 5 months and see over 250 women, all of which are Shia, you start thinking, is it really a sectarian hatred?”[3] And then there is the most provocative picture, the picture that shook Bahrain when the mercenary forces (riot police) put the women on top of each other in derogatory position, In front of hundreds of shoppers, to humiliate them while making the arrest in the parking lot of the biggest shopping mall in the country.

Some of he women in the above picture have been sentenced to 6 months, charged with “illegal gathering” and “running over a police officer”. Initially police arrested 38 women that day 23/09/2011 and later released some of them.

List of women still in prison:

  1. Aqeela Almagabi 
  2. Ashwaq Almagabi 
  3. Muneera Duhaim 
  4. Huda Duhaim 
  5. Ibtisam Duhaim 
  6. Nada Alkaiem 
  7. Fatima Aljeeshi 
  8. Laila Abdulla Kadhem 
  9. Khadija Abdulnasser Hubail 
  10. Zainab Salman 
  11. Fatima Abduljaleel 
  12. Narjis Abbas

There are other 4 girls who were not sentenced yet as they are juveniles. In addition, I should not forget Fadhila Mubarak Almubarak who was arrested on 27/03/2011 and then sentenced to 4 years in prison. She is still behind bars!

Jaleela Alsalman, former vice-president of the Bahrain Teacher’s Association was arrested again after the police raided recently her house, after a very short time of her release as she awaits the appeal hearing on 01/12/2011. Initially she was sentenced to 3 years in a military court![4]

I have been trying to find the full list of women detainees for a while now, could you please contact me if you have more information about them. Age, area, occupation etc.. so I can update the post and put an action plan.

Wednesday, 7 September 2011

Bahrain and Amnesty International buttons

I took these picture myself, no copyright nonsense.. you are free to download and use them as you wish.

Saturday, 3 September 2011

Letter to the Italian Football Federation

Dear Giancarlo Abete, president of Italian football federation,


Ali Jawad Al-Shaikh is a 14 years old fan from Bahrain. He loves football and his favourite football team is Italy. On 01/09/2011 at around 8:45am after prayers and before celebrating Eid, Ali was involved in a peaceful protest demanding reforms and democracy in his country.

The Bahraini police fired tear gas directly at Ali. The tear gas canister hit Ali directly at his neck causing his death. He died in the hospital minutes later.

Sir, I am writing to you on behalf of Ali’s family and friends to honour his love and admiration to the Italian national team by holding a minute of silence before your next game with Slovenia on the 6th of September and to further dedicate just a small space in your media/press release and magazine for this 14 year old boy whose dreams were crushed whilst he was peacefully protesting for his and his counrty’s future. This will mean a lot to him, to his family, to the people of Bahrain and without a doubt to every fan around the world.

Your Sincerely, 

Picture: Ali Al-Shiekh in hospital wearing his favourite team’s kit (Italy)

Wednesday, 31 August 2011

14 Years old Bahraini boy killed

The story in Bahrain and around the world today seems to be the 14 year old martyr Ali Jawad Alshaikh from Sitra. It was reported in almost every reputable news agency and in Amnesty International- Teenage activist killed in Bahrain protest.

Remember when the 13 year old Syrian boy was tortured? It caused chaos around the world and became the face of the uprising. Well, Bahraini authorties today did not only torture a boy but killed him with a tear gas canister fired by riot police. A direct shot in the head, and what is worse is that doctors refused to treat him in the hospital where he was taken. Instead of questioning the doctors, the police went to arrest the hospital security guards. 

Nabeel Rajab, president of Bahrain Center of Human Rights accompanied three eye witnesses to the ministry of interior (MOI) to give their statement that riot police fired at Ali from close range at around 8:40am while he was protesting. 

American president Barrack Obama called the king of Bahrain earlier, I am not sure what they talked about after they exchanged greetings on Eid. I wonder which of the below list of newspapers Mr. Obama reads, but I'm pretty sure he would come across at least one of them, and when he does we expect him to speak up and condemn such police brutality. It is morally unacceptable for Mr. President to remain silent while his Bahraini ally keeps killing. 

There were reports of an intiative from Gulf leaders to resolve the ongoing issues in Bahrain. Saudi and Bahrainis, as reported, rejected it. This could be one of the reasons that even Aljazeera Arabic reported the story today [Direct Link]. In a U-Turn Iran (Asaad closest ally) last week urges Asaad to consider some of his people's demands in an unexpected turn of events. When will Bahrain's allies, such as The United States and The United Kingdom, condem the brutal crackdown on pro-democracy protesters?

Story in the media:

This is a call to Mr. Hague and Secretary of State Hillary Clinton to start acting and condemning the human rights violations in Bahrain. Wake up, and forget about your interests for once. Human lives are much more important than oil and trade!

Thursday, 21 July 2011

رداً على شعراء البلاط

المدعو عبدالله المشيقح احد شعراء البلاط يكتب قصيدة يذم فيها دوار العز والكرامة (دوار الؤلؤ) ظنناً منة ان البحرينين سيسكتون عن ترهاتة. هنا يآتية الرد من شاعر بحريني ينرل علية كالصاعقة. 

إلى دوار أبي لؤلؤة المجوسي 

شعر عبد الله المشيقح-القصيم 

الويـلُ ثمّ الويـلُ يـا دوّارُ *** فعليكَ دائرةُ البوار تـُدارُ

اخسأ وذقْ ذلَّ الحُطامِ فقد أتى *** يومٌ ترى نقـْعَ الهشيمِ يُثارُ

اخسأ بعَارِكَ قد تقيأنا دماً *** بروائحٍ نَتِنَتْ بها الأزهارُ

اخسأ فقد آذيتَ أنظارَ الورى *** بمشاهدٍ يرتجُ منها العَارُ 

وكفرتَ باليمنى التي مَدّت إليكَ *** كنوزَها فاستأصلتها يَسارُ 

حتى الرزانُ تلامزتها ألسُنٌ *** تهتزُ منها الأرضُ وهي حِجارُ

زوجُ النبيِّ وبنتُ أصدقِ صاحبٍ *** يُرمى عليها الإفكُ يا فُجّار! 

إن الخسيسَ وإنْ وهبتَ له السما *** والأرضَ فاعلمْ أنّه غدّارُ 

لاتأمَلنَّ من المجوسِ سلامةً *** هيهاتَ يطهرُ بالغسيل الفارُ

لا ينكرُ التاريخُ سوءَ طباعِكمْ *** فلقد تأذّى منكم الأطهارُ 

الصارمِيُّ لكم أجلُّ عطيّةً *** وعلى عمائمكمْ يُراق القارُ

طارت إلى صقرِ العروبةِ صيحةٌ *** يا جارُ هل من نُصرةٍ يا جارُ

من قبلِ أن يرتدَ طرْفُ أنينِها *** سِيقَ الخميسُ وأُشهِرَ البتارُ

لبّتْ نداءاتِ الخليج جحافلٌ *** راياتُها بشهادتينِ تُنارُ

جيشٌ يشقُ البحرَ جَلاّبُ الرَدى *** تصفرُّ من آسادِهِ الكُفارُ 

لمّا أتى أرضَ المنامةِ ناصراً *** لم تبقَ لابنِ رويفِضٍ آثارُ

اللهُ أكبرُ يا جنودَ محمدٍ *** الله أكبرُ أيها الأحرارُ 

إنّا على وجهِ الغبارِ عواصفٌ *** وعلى وجوهِ الساكناتِ قَرارُ

فليعلمِ الصَفويُّ أنّا أمّةٌ *** نبراسُها الآياتُ والأذكارُ 

فُطِمَتْ على الغَرّاءِ خيرِ محَجّةٍ *** من زاغَ عنها سجّرتْهُ النارُ 

عبادُ ربٍ لا عبيد مُسَردَبٍ *** في شَرعهِ يتفيهقُ الخمّار

ياليت شعري كيفَ تصبرُ بُردَةٌ *** فيها على كُثرِ الرجالِ حمار! 

 فرد عليه شاعر بحريني بهذه القصيدة

أبو خديجة البحراني-المنامة

الويل ثم الويل يا أشرارُ *** فعليكمُ تتقيأ الأشعارُ 

فليخسأ الباغون في أحقادهم *** للطائفيةِ ها هنا دوارُ 

أبياتهم من دمنة السوء ارتوت *** فتبرعمت في كفهم أقذارُ 

ونقولُ للآتين من رحم العمى *** العارُ ثم العارُ ثم العارُ 

مهلاً فما للطيش عمرٌ والمدى *** يا ابن المشيقح كله ثوارُ 

حتى الطفولة والبراءة أزهقت *** ما أنت إلا حاقدٌ غدارُ

إذْ جئتَ تزرعُ بذرةً موبوءةً *** سيعيدها مصفرةً أحرارُ

تلك الفلسطين الجريحة تشتكي *** عنها ابتعدتم أيها (المخوار) 

نتن الدناءةِ فاض منه خليجنا *** القردُ قردٌ والحمار حمارُ 

فالهث كما شاءتْ لكم أربابكم *** وانبح يجيبك بالعصا مغوارُ 

شلتْ يمينك فالسطورُ معاولٌ *** والمفردات يلوكها خمَّارُ 

أوالُ فيها للتسنن جنةٌ *** فيها التشيعُ أيها المكارُ 

عاشوا يؤلف بينهم هذا الصفا *** فهمُ همُ الأطهارُ والأخيارُ 

لا لنْ تريقَ بصحنهم من كأسكم *** سماً وكأسُ الخيرين يدارُ 

بحرين رمز الحبِّ تبقى فابتعد *** غطى عيونك يا شقي القارُ 

في حرب إسرائيل أنت نعامةٌ *** ولسفكِ دمِّ المسلمين تتارُ 

إنْ كنتَ مرحبْ في القتال فها أنا *** يا ابن القصيم بوجهك الكرارُ 

إن كان عندك من عنيزة خنجر *** لي ذو الفقار صقيلي البتارُ 

مستنقعاتك في قصيمك لوثةٌ *** منها توضأ فاجرٌ كفارُ 

ولنا المنامةُ والمحرقُ والربى *** من تحتها تتفجر الأنهارُ 

نمْ في المزابل وانتفخْ من أكلها *** إخوانك الخنزيرُ والصرصارُ

Sunday, 17 July 2011

Bahrain top twitter trolls!

I quickly wrote this from some tweets I found over the last couple of months. If you think I missed a great troll then please report him providing me with a link and I will update this post. Many thanks to my followers on Twitter who made this post possible. 

What is a troll? From the Online Urban Dictionary: “One who posts a deliberately provocative message to newsgroup or message board with the intention of causing maximum disruption and argument.” But I like this definition from the same online dictionary “A dumbass who makes idiotic posts in message boards newsgroups for the sole purpose of pissing people off, often lacking in intelligence”. My own definition of a troll is the person who posts stupid comments and totally believing it to be intelligent and analytical. But don’t bother yourself with definitions, now you will see for yourself.

Believe you me there are so many of them in Twitter and Facebook all over the world and Bahrain is no difference. To give you some examples that came to my attention recently. My top favorite trolls in no particular order:

Bahraini “Professor of International Relations” well its really more like “International Trolling”. Read this
So, the 12 edged flag is a Shia creation representing the 12 Imams and this was specifically tailored during the uprising because as he believes the whole revolution is sectarian. Cool I didn’t know that thanks! Do you think he stops there? Oh no no, read this article from Bahrain Independent by the “professor”.  (site currently undergoing maintenance).
Bahraini medical doctor and “President of Bahrain Medical Society” all I can say, God help the patients you treat, if you have any. Here he is addressing the Irish group who visited Bahrain in a fact-finding mission on imprisoned, tortured and sacked Bahraini doctors.
As you notice he is mentioning Doctors Without Borders Organisation in his tweets just to add more embarrassment to himself. "ekri" in his tweet is Dr. Ali AL-Ekri who only happened to be a very respected doctor who volunteered to help in Gaza in 2009 GDN Article
Oh dear God we have great doctors in Bahrain. This “Consultant Surgeon and a Lecturer” is discrediting the Irish delegation simply because they took a picture with Nabeel Rajab and a mini LuLu monument was visible in the picture. Read this!
                    Tweeted link will take you to this picture 
May I just send a message to him: Its only a statue. Why is the government and Pro-alKhalifa hate this lulu thing? OK so if it wasn’t for that picture they would have been credible? You and the above doctor wouldn’t have jeopardized their press conference? I want to believe that.

Now this “University Lecturer” troll tweets in Arabic. And by far this is the most trolloic tweet I have ever read. He thinks that those are not just any group, they are Irish group means they have an agenda..
Translation: "The roots of this matter goes deeper to the relationship between the Khomeini [Iran’s Islamic Revolution] and the Irish Republican Army [IRA] war against the British Monarchy, which was the nucleus idea behind Hezbollah" You gotta love this, right? So Hezbollah was formed based on the success of the Islamic revolution and and and and wait for it.. the IRA bombings.
This troll is probably one of his students because they seem to have similar thoughts and ideas. it’s a conspiracy, everyone is against Bahrain, even Amnesty International, Human Rights Watch and the United Nations. The whole world has hidden Shia agenda! Help help!

Who is next! The slick troll- we don’t know who he is, but he is very famous cowboy “troller”. He, Mr smarty-pants, thinks that tear gas doesn’t kill you. After the death of martyr  Zainab alJuma he wrote  this 
If you don’t want to take his word for it, then take it from this other  super troll because this one is more clever he provided evidence from the web. I honestly don’t blame them, when the people who are suppose to know about the respiratory system are trolls like the doctors above, what would you expect from 2 idiots?

Then we have Fred oh dear Fred Willie, where do I start with him hmmmm, we believe he is a very dangerous troll using a fake name, if you have any information about him please contact your nearest “Anti-Trolls” organisation. Too bad I didn’t save any of his tweets but read anything here and you will notice that he is a full-time troll

And finally the ultimate troll Mohammed Khalid. I don’t need to choose tweets from his account. Literally all his tweets are as trollic as he is! But to give you a preview of was is waiting for you, here is one of his recent tweets.
Translation: "USA, UK, Iran and their tails [followers] Iraq and Lebanon are conspiring against our Bahrain. Even worse Government is not taking actions against their ambassadors which is the least they could do."

Update: New trolls

We actually have females trolls as well in Bahrain, like this one here she thinks that Hezbollah and America are working together. Translation:  "Why America only classes Hezbollah as a terrorist organisation and why isn't there any international sanctions against Hezbollah like other [terrorist organisations]? Because [Hezbollah] is their agent to achieve their agenda [plan] in the region." Now thats some first class troll tweet! Well done, you Madam, just exposed the Obama administration to the whole wide-world and we thank you...! 
Lets see what our trolls think of Bahrain national dialogue, because they have to tell the world about it. This troll is talking to the Swedish foreign minister Carl Bildt and telling him why there is no royal family presence in the dialouge. I wonder how is she going to explain why the Bahraini Red Crescent Society is part of this as well. 
This troll is "high profile CIO" of a troll still thinks that there is hidden Irish delegation agenda with Reem Khalifa.

A message to the western readers, as you can see Arab women are not just to chill at home and cook for the poor husband. If you think that rich Arab women who marry CIO like the above go shopping the whole day then you are wrong! We have philosophers and great troll journalists like this one
She supports the revolution in Syria and backs it up 100% but her clever little brain concluded that whats happening in Bahrain is not a revolution but rather a Western/Iranian agenda. Translation: "Isn't this the time to start dealing with the Iranian mercenaries and their delegations in self defence? This is your country and to hell with the Western and Iranian agenda." Man, loads of people are talking about western agenda conspiring against this little island! I started to believe it myself! Thanks guys for opening eyes..

I cant forget this troll he is quite funny. He actually have some secrets that he will share with us about how America is trying to create opposition leadership figure. 
Translation: "I will expose some top secrets on the opposition in the UK in regards to the American attempt to create Wefaq leadership figure acceptable by Sunnis" Oh dear lord!

I had enough for today :-) but please keep an eye on trolls and report them to me.. I will leave with some accounts to have fun with meanwhile. Troll, troll, troll, troll.. and the list goes on and on and on.. and on the the SUPER DR TROLL

This is a bonus from my friends Safybh and Bahrainycitizen. Have a look at one of the most followed trolls in Twitter says he will perform a Hitler style genocide on Shia in Bahrain. I love this troll, he is always sending threats and we have never ever seen any of it in reality. His intelligence never failed to impress me!
Translation: "Rebellion from Shia doesn't mean that Sunnis fear them, we are quite because we respect the law. Once the Sunni community explodes, be sure that there will be a Hitler style massacre in every Shia village." Oppsy daisy! I don't about you guys but I am sh**ing myself now, I am so scared I will stop writing right now!