
Thursday, 21 July 2011

رداً على شعراء البلاط

المدعو عبدالله المشيقح احد شعراء البلاط يكتب قصيدة يذم فيها دوار العز والكرامة (دوار الؤلؤ) ظنناً منة ان البحرينين سيسكتون عن ترهاتة. هنا يآتية الرد من شاعر بحريني ينرل علية كالصاعقة. 

إلى دوار أبي لؤلؤة المجوسي 

شعر عبد الله المشيقح-القصيم 

الويـلُ ثمّ الويـلُ يـا دوّارُ *** فعليكَ دائرةُ البوار تـُدارُ

اخسأ وذقْ ذلَّ الحُطامِ فقد أتى *** يومٌ ترى نقـْعَ الهشيمِ يُثارُ

اخسأ بعَارِكَ قد تقيأنا دماً *** بروائحٍ نَتِنَتْ بها الأزهارُ

اخسأ فقد آذيتَ أنظارَ الورى *** بمشاهدٍ يرتجُ منها العَارُ 

وكفرتَ باليمنى التي مَدّت إليكَ *** كنوزَها فاستأصلتها يَسارُ 

حتى الرزانُ تلامزتها ألسُنٌ *** تهتزُ منها الأرضُ وهي حِجارُ

زوجُ النبيِّ وبنتُ أصدقِ صاحبٍ *** يُرمى عليها الإفكُ يا فُجّار! 

إن الخسيسَ وإنْ وهبتَ له السما *** والأرضَ فاعلمْ أنّه غدّارُ 

لاتأمَلنَّ من المجوسِ سلامةً *** هيهاتَ يطهرُ بالغسيل الفارُ

لا ينكرُ التاريخُ سوءَ طباعِكمْ *** فلقد تأذّى منكم الأطهارُ 

الصارمِيُّ لكم أجلُّ عطيّةً *** وعلى عمائمكمْ يُراق القارُ

طارت إلى صقرِ العروبةِ صيحةٌ *** يا جارُ هل من نُصرةٍ يا جارُ

من قبلِ أن يرتدَ طرْفُ أنينِها *** سِيقَ الخميسُ وأُشهِرَ البتارُ

لبّتْ نداءاتِ الخليج جحافلٌ *** راياتُها بشهادتينِ تُنارُ

جيشٌ يشقُ البحرَ جَلاّبُ الرَدى *** تصفرُّ من آسادِهِ الكُفارُ 

لمّا أتى أرضَ المنامةِ ناصراً *** لم تبقَ لابنِ رويفِضٍ آثارُ

اللهُ أكبرُ يا جنودَ محمدٍ *** الله أكبرُ أيها الأحرارُ 

إنّا على وجهِ الغبارِ عواصفٌ *** وعلى وجوهِ الساكناتِ قَرارُ

فليعلمِ الصَفويُّ أنّا أمّةٌ *** نبراسُها الآياتُ والأذكارُ 

فُطِمَتْ على الغَرّاءِ خيرِ محَجّةٍ *** من زاغَ عنها سجّرتْهُ النارُ 

عبادُ ربٍ لا عبيد مُسَردَبٍ *** في شَرعهِ يتفيهقُ الخمّار

ياليت شعري كيفَ تصبرُ بُردَةٌ *** فيها على كُثرِ الرجالِ حمار! 

 فرد عليه شاعر بحريني بهذه القصيدة

أبو خديجة البحراني-المنامة

الويل ثم الويل يا أشرارُ *** فعليكمُ تتقيأ الأشعارُ 

فليخسأ الباغون في أحقادهم *** للطائفيةِ ها هنا دوارُ 

أبياتهم من دمنة السوء ارتوت *** فتبرعمت في كفهم أقذارُ 

ونقولُ للآتين من رحم العمى *** العارُ ثم العارُ ثم العارُ 

مهلاً فما للطيش عمرٌ والمدى *** يا ابن المشيقح كله ثوارُ 

حتى الطفولة والبراءة أزهقت *** ما أنت إلا حاقدٌ غدارُ

إذْ جئتَ تزرعُ بذرةً موبوءةً *** سيعيدها مصفرةً أحرارُ

تلك الفلسطين الجريحة تشتكي *** عنها ابتعدتم أيها (المخوار) 

نتن الدناءةِ فاض منه خليجنا *** القردُ قردٌ والحمار حمارُ 

فالهث كما شاءتْ لكم أربابكم *** وانبح يجيبك بالعصا مغوارُ 

شلتْ يمينك فالسطورُ معاولٌ *** والمفردات يلوكها خمَّارُ 

أوالُ فيها للتسنن جنةٌ *** فيها التشيعُ أيها المكارُ 

عاشوا يؤلف بينهم هذا الصفا *** فهمُ همُ الأطهارُ والأخيارُ 

لا لنْ تريقَ بصحنهم من كأسكم *** سماً وكأسُ الخيرين يدارُ 

بحرين رمز الحبِّ تبقى فابتعد *** غطى عيونك يا شقي القارُ 

في حرب إسرائيل أنت نعامةٌ *** ولسفكِ دمِّ المسلمين تتارُ 

إنْ كنتَ مرحبْ في القتال فها أنا *** يا ابن القصيم بوجهك الكرارُ 

إن كان عندك من عنيزة خنجر *** لي ذو الفقار صقيلي البتارُ 

مستنقعاتك في قصيمك لوثةٌ *** منها توضأ فاجرٌ كفارُ 

ولنا المنامةُ والمحرقُ والربى *** من تحتها تتفجر الأنهارُ 

نمْ في المزابل وانتفخْ من أكلها *** إخوانك الخنزيرُ والصرصارُ

Sunday, 17 July 2011

Bahrain top twitter trolls!

I quickly wrote this from some tweets I found over the last couple of months. If you think I missed a great troll then please report him providing me with a link and I will update this post. Many thanks to my followers on Twitter who made this post possible. 

What is a troll? From the Online Urban Dictionary: “One who posts a deliberately provocative message to newsgroup or message board with the intention of causing maximum disruption and argument.” But I like this definition from the same online dictionary “A dumbass who makes idiotic posts in message boards newsgroups for the sole purpose of pissing people off, often lacking in intelligence”. My own definition of a troll is the person who posts stupid comments and totally believing it to be intelligent and analytical. But don’t bother yourself with definitions, now you will see for yourself.

Believe you me there are so many of them in Twitter and Facebook all over the world and Bahrain is no difference. To give you some examples that came to my attention recently. My top favorite trolls in no particular order:

Bahraini “Professor of International Relations” well its really more like “International Trolling”. Read this
So, the 12 edged flag is a Shia creation representing the 12 Imams and this was specifically tailored during the uprising because as he believes the whole revolution is sectarian. Cool I didn’t know that thanks! Do you think he stops there? Oh no no, read this article from Bahrain Independent by the “professor”.  (site currently undergoing maintenance).
Bahraini medical doctor and “President of Bahrain Medical Society” all I can say, God help the patients you treat, if you have any. Here he is addressing the Irish group who visited Bahrain in a fact-finding mission on imprisoned, tortured and sacked Bahraini doctors.
As you notice he is mentioning Doctors Without Borders Organisation in his tweets just to add more embarrassment to himself. "ekri" in his tweet is Dr. Ali AL-Ekri who only happened to be a very respected doctor who volunteered to help in Gaza in 2009 GDN Article
Oh dear God we have great doctors in Bahrain. This “Consultant Surgeon and a Lecturer” is discrediting the Irish delegation simply because they took a picture with Nabeel Rajab and a mini LuLu monument was visible in the picture. Read this!
                    Tweeted link will take you to this picture 
May I just send a message to him: Its only a statue. Why is the government and Pro-alKhalifa hate this lulu thing? OK so if it wasn’t for that picture they would have been credible? You and the above doctor wouldn’t have jeopardized their press conference? I want to believe that.

Now this “University Lecturer” troll tweets in Arabic. And by far this is the most trolloic tweet I have ever read. He thinks that those are not just any group, they are Irish group means they have an agenda..
Translation: "The roots of this matter goes deeper to the relationship between the Khomeini [Iran’s Islamic Revolution] and the Irish Republican Army [IRA] war against the British Monarchy, which was the nucleus idea behind Hezbollah" You gotta love this, right? So Hezbollah was formed based on the success of the Islamic revolution and and and and wait for it.. the IRA bombings.
This troll is probably one of his students because they seem to have similar thoughts and ideas. it’s a conspiracy, everyone is against Bahrain, even Amnesty International, Human Rights Watch and the United Nations. The whole world has hidden Shia agenda! Help help!

Who is next! The slick troll- we don’t know who he is, but he is very famous cowboy “troller”. He, Mr smarty-pants, thinks that tear gas doesn’t kill you. After the death of martyr  Zainab alJuma he wrote  this 
If you don’t want to take his word for it, then take it from this other  super troll because this one is more clever he provided evidence from the web. I honestly don’t blame them, when the people who are suppose to know about the respiratory system are trolls like the doctors above, what would you expect from 2 idiots?

Then we have Fred oh dear Fred Willie, where do I start with him hmmmm, we believe he is a very dangerous troll using a fake name, if you have any information about him please contact your nearest “Anti-Trolls” organisation. Too bad I didn’t save any of his tweets but read anything here and you will notice that he is a full-time troll

And finally the ultimate troll Mohammed Khalid. I don’t need to choose tweets from his account. Literally all his tweets are as trollic as he is! But to give you a preview of was is waiting for you, here is one of his recent tweets.
Translation: "USA, UK, Iran and their tails [followers] Iraq and Lebanon are conspiring against our Bahrain. Even worse Government is not taking actions against their ambassadors which is the least they could do."

Update: New trolls

We actually have females trolls as well in Bahrain, like this one here she thinks that Hezbollah and America are working together. Translation:  "Why America only classes Hezbollah as a terrorist organisation and why isn't there any international sanctions against Hezbollah like other [terrorist organisations]? Because [Hezbollah] is their agent to achieve their agenda [plan] in the region." Now thats some first class troll tweet! Well done, you Madam, just exposed the Obama administration to the whole wide-world and we thank you...! 
Lets see what our trolls think of Bahrain national dialogue, because they have to tell the world about it. This troll is talking to the Swedish foreign minister Carl Bildt and telling him why there is no royal family presence in the dialouge. I wonder how is she going to explain why the Bahraini Red Crescent Society is part of this as well. 
This troll is "high profile CIO" of a troll still thinks that there is hidden Irish delegation agenda with Reem Khalifa.

A message to the western readers, as you can see Arab women are not just to chill at home and cook for the poor husband. If you think that rich Arab women who marry CIO like the above go shopping the whole day then you are wrong! We have philosophers and great troll journalists like this one
She supports the revolution in Syria and backs it up 100% but her clever little brain concluded that whats happening in Bahrain is not a revolution but rather a Western/Iranian agenda. Translation: "Isn't this the time to start dealing with the Iranian mercenaries and their delegations in self defence? This is your country and to hell with the Western and Iranian agenda." Man, loads of people are talking about western agenda conspiring against this little island! I started to believe it myself! Thanks guys for opening eyes..

I cant forget this troll he is quite funny. He actually have some secrets that he will share with us about how America is trying to create opposition leadership figure. 
Translation: "I will expose some top secrets on the opposition in the UK in regards to the American attempt to create Wefaq leadership figure acceptable by Sunnis" Oh dear lord!

I had enough for today :-) but please keep an eye on trolls and report them to me.. I will leave with some accounts to have fun with meanwhile. Troll, troll, troll, troll.. and the list goes on and on and on.. and on the the SUPER DR TROLL

This is a bonus from my friends Safybh and Bahrainycitizen. Have a look at one of the most followed trolls in Twitter says he will perform a Hitler style genocide on Shia in Bahrain. I love this troll, he is always sending threats and we have never ever seen any of it in reality. His intelligence never failed to impress me!
Translation: "Rebellion from Shia doesn't mean that Sunnis fear them, we are quite because we respect the law. Once the Sunni community explodes, be sure that there will be a Hitler style massacre in every Shia village." Oppsy daisy! I don't about you guys but I am sh**ing myself now, I am so scared I will stop writing right now!